ERO helps clients avoid or minimize damage to water resources and water-dependent ecosystems, navigate permitting processes, and address water quality issues. Our clients include federal, state, and local governments; irrigation and supply districts; developers; commercial businesses; individuals; and attorneys.
Areas of Expertise
Environmental scoping and impact analysis
We assist clients with water resource planning and permitting. ERO provides water resource analyses as a component of environmental impact statements and threatened and endangered species evaluations.
Water supply evaluations, development, and permitting
ERO assists clients to evaluate water supply needs for healthy aquatic habitat, riparian areas, and wetlands.
Water Quality Services
ERO provides surface and ground water quality investigations, including data collection and analysis, research, and modeling. ERO assists our clients with NPDES/CDPS permitting for treated water, construction dewatering, and stormwater discharge permitting. We prepare and review plans water quality monitoring, and provide Best Management Practice recommendations to clients. ERO also evaluates and remediates impacts on ground water from leaking underground storage tanks, spills, and improper waste disposal practices.
Surface and ground water analysis and modeling
ERO’s modeling capabilities include digital and analytical ground water flow, capture zone, contaminant transport, and surface water quality modeling. Our scientists use models to assist clients with:
- Expediting closure of contaminated sites
- Designing ground water remediation and control systems
- Estimating the time to clean up contaminated sites
- Estimating the impact on surface and ground water from proposed commercial, industrial, and mining facilities
Water Resources Leads
![Dave Shaw](https://www.eroresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/DaveShaw.gif)
![Dave Shaw](https://www.eroresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/DaveShaw.gif)