Navigating the Changing NEPA Landscape

ERO ResourcesNews

Recent administrative directives concerning National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance will change the way federal agencies process environmental reviews. These include:

Although currently focused on infrastructure projects, similar directives may be issued that apply to other project types. The aim of these directives is to streamline the NEPA process to obtain more efficient and effective federal infrastructure decisions, avoiding time-consuming and costly delays. Agencies are currently developing direction and guidance to meet these new directives.

To comply with EO 13807 and NEPA and other environmental regulations, we anticipate that federal agencies may rely on “pre-NEPA” processes – prior to initiating the formal NEPA process – to:

  • Develop preliminary purpose and need statements and project goals
    • Conduct more detailed project alternatives analyses
    • Identify environmental constraints
    • Conduct data collection and preliminary analyses

Implementation of these new directives will take some time, and what they mean for projects will continue to evolve.

How do these processes differ from NEPA compliance in the past 10 years? What can be done now to ensure an expedited environmental review process for my time-sensitive project? ERO can guide you through these questions and assist in developing and executing a work plan. Please contact your ERO Project Manager for additional information about streamlining NEPA and pre-NEPA services. Click here for our staff contacts, or email ERO.