Emily Corsi – Associate
Emily has been managing environmental compliance projects since 2007. She is based in Boise, Idaho, and her work focuses on the Intermountain West. Emily is an experienced National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance specialist with project experience ranging from hard rock and coal mining projects, to dam removals and transmission lines, to land use planning. She has managed and contributed to projects that involved numerous stakeholders and agencies, including the U.S. Forest Service (USFS); Bureau of Land Management (BLM); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; National Park Service; Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks; and numerous county governments. In addition to her NEPA experience, Emily specializes in Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) compliance and previously worked for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) as a MEPA coordinator. She also specializes in compliance with state and federal mining regulations, including the Montana Metal Mine Reclamation Act (hard rock mining), the Montana Strip and Underground Mine Reclamation Act (coal mining), USFS 36 Code of Federal Regulations 228 locatable minerals regulations (federal hard rock mining), and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (federal coal mining). Earlier in her career (2003 to 2007), Emily worked primarily on natural resources policy, serving in various positions in state and federal government and obtaining a master’s degree that focused on natural resources law and policy. Her master’s degree work culminated in a research project related to improving the BLM’s resource management planning process. She also worked as a land use planner (2007 to 2008) for a surveying and planning firm based in Missoula, Montana.
Emily is an experienced project manager. While at DEQ, Emily coordinated MEPA/NEPA-mandated environmental impact statement (EIS) projects for Montana mines, including the Montanore Mine and Transmission Line EIS, the Troy Mine Reclamation Plan EIS, and the EIS for the Stillwater and East Boulder Mines’ Water Management Plans. At ERO, projects that Emily has managed include the Montanore Mine and Transmission Line EIS, the Montanore Project Evaluation Phase Supplemental EIS, and the East Boulder Mine Stage 6 Tailings Storage Facility Expansion Project Environmental Assessment. She also frequently serves as an assistant project manager, including for the Western Energy Rosebud Mine Area F EIS and the Westmoreland Rosebud Mine Area B AM5 EIS.
Emily is an experienced public participation practitioner and a certified natural resources conflict resolution specialist, having completed a graduate-level certificate program at the University of Montana. She has organized and facilitated numerous public meetings for various project types, including mines and subdivisions. She understands how to effectively engage stakeholders and how to run meetings when tensions are high.